Friday, March 26, 2010

Psst! Sneak Peek!

We always like to launch a few of our new dishes in the days leading up to a new menu release (monday!). It's fun, it gives us a chance to prep everything, make sure everyone is on the same page on plating AND we love to take in feedback as customers try our new ideas.

All the new dishes will be delicious of course, but when the Heide family sits down for Family Night on Sunday, here's what we'll be ordering from the new menu:

Miss Liliana:
Chef Dave:

And a full list of sneak new items is available here.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Menu

Really excited about spring. New beginnings, new growth, new life, NEW MENU!

New menu is rolling out on Monday, so be sure to stop by for one last taste of the Apple Salad, Salmon, and the current version of the scallop dish if you are one of the many for whom these are a favorite. Plenty of other changes and new flavors and ideas.