Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Farm Feature: Wollersheim Winery

We were thrilled to have the chance to visit Julie Coquard at Wollersheim Winery recently. Julie's parents Robert and Joanne Wollersheim established Wollersheim Winery and Julie now runs it with her husband, Phillipe, a wine maker from the Beaujolais region of France.
The winery was originally founded by a Hungarian count Agoston Haraszthy in 1840 who followed the gold rush west and went on to become known as the founder of the California wine industry.

Here's a little about our time at Wollersheim:

Wollersheim has grown from producing 15,000 gallons in 1987 to now over 240,000 gallons a year!

Chef Dave with Julie and Liliana checking out the original wine cellar where they still utilize the traditional oak barrel process, with oak from both Wisconsin and France.

Although the majority of their fruit is from Washington State, Lily really enjoyed seeing the acres of grapes that are used for seven of their estate wines.

Wisconsin is so lucky to have a great family owned winery and if you ever get a chance you should definitely go to Prairie du Sac for a visit. It was a lovely afternoon for our family!