Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Farm Features: Fox Valley Berkshire Pork

The Liliana's family likes to know exactly where our food comes from. Come with us on a weekly tour of Wisconsin and surrounding areas to meet the people, places and animals that bring fresh, local food to Liliana's.

Fox Valley Berkshire Pork

This post is being authored by Liliana's mom, Tiffany, because Fox Valley Berkshire Pork brought bacon back into my life after an 11 year void. And as we all know, bacon is a wonderful thing.
You see, I'm an animal lover. I became a vegetarian in high school and though I reintroduced some meats during the last few years, I was never able to find a source of pork where I felt confident that they were treated humanely during their lives.

Then I met Todd and Bruce of Fox Valley Berkshire Pork and I knew, 11 years later, I found it! Bacon!

So we picked a lovely day and drove out to the farm to meet the piggies.

Todd introduced us to all the pigs and how things work around the farm. And Chef Dave wore sandals to a pig farm. Oh yes. There was shoe scrubbing when we got home.

AND LILY MET A ONE DAY OLD PIG. Seriously. True love.
but piglet had to stay at the farm because part of why Fox Valley Berkshire Pork is so special is that the babies are milk-fed from their mamas until their sharp little teeth become too much for mama to handle.

when piglet starts teething on mama it will get switched to cows milk, which comes from their cows in the same farmyard, of course!

They had a nice little bunch of free ranging chickens to keep charlie occupied.
Our visit to Fox Valley Berkshire Pork was a lovely summer day on the farm, and gave me such a sense of peace. I love knowing farms like this really exist in the world. Not just as tourist field trip farms, but real food production farms that care for their animals and their environment in a loving and responsible way.


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