Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday Tasting Menu 3-27-12 Aphrodisiacs!

NextTuesdayTuesday 3-course Preview - March 27 - Aphrodisiacs

3 gourmandesOn this date in 1998, the FDA approved the drug Viagra. We thought it would be fun to look at foods that over the years have been considered afrodisiacs.

We've colored all of the foods that have been considered aphrodisiacs in the menu red.

Tuesday 3-course menu - March 27


First Course

Fresh shucked oyster with basil mignionette

Second Course

Pan seared salmon with avocado-honey tomato salsa
and fresh grilled asparagus over shitake risotto


Almond rum cake with chocolate ganache,

strawberry with a vanilla bean creme anglaise

John Vitale, Marilyn Fisher, and Ken Kuehl will be playing in the bar.

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